REGISTRATION 11:30am-5:00pm
Pre-Function Space 5th Floor
Thursday 12:15pm-1:45pm
1A Strategy 3
Issues in Fantasy Fiction
Chair: Sherryl Vint, Brock University
Malisa Kurtz Brock University
Postcolonialism in Evolution’s Shore: Alien Invasion and the Figure of the “Other”
Simon Orpana McMaster University
Canadian Television’s Leap from the Garrison to Deep Space: Recuperating CTV’s The Starlost
1B Strategy 5
Health, Culture and Body Regimes
Chair: Marc Lafrance, Concordia University
Ingrid Yu Wilfrid Laurier University
Learning to Make ‘Smart Choice’: The Discourse on Health and Bodily Regimes in Nutrition Labelling
Joseph Fargiorgio University of Guelph
WWE: Wrestling, Wellness and Entertainment- A Qualitative Analysis of Physical and Mental Health in Professional Wrestling
Marc Lafrance Concordia University
Strong on the Inside, Strong on the Outside: Masculinity, Muscularity and the Meaning of Life in Canadian Bodybuilding Magazines from the 1940s and 50s
1C Upper Fallsview Studio A
Tourism, History, and the Local
Chair: Brian de Ruiter, Brock University
Stephen L. Cocca Independent Scholar
Ambush at Devil’s Hole: Massacre or Job Action
Louise N. Boucher Université d’Ottawa
Les chutes des Chaudières : La vocation perdue d’un haut-lieu touristique ?
The Chaudieres Falls : The Fall of a Tourist Destination?
Brian de Ruiter Brock University
Hunting for Treasure : Explaining the Oak Island Phenomenon in the Popular Imagination
Thursday 2:00pm-3:30pm
2A Strategy 2
Performance: Iconography, Image and Identity
Chair: George Melynk, University of Calgary
Danielle J. Deveau Simon Fraser University
Navigating the Boys Club: Female Stand-up Comedians and the Negotiation of Gendered Spaces in the Canadian Comedy Industry
Katerina Symes Concordia University
Public Pedagogy and America’s Next Top Model: Participatory Language, Interactivity and Hybridized Modes of Address
George Melnyk University of Calgary
The Iconography of Idolatry: The Case of Marilyn Monroe
2B Strategy 3
Dance, Movement, and the Body
Chair: Alix Miller, University of Georgia
Laurence Robitaille York University
Intimacy in the Capoeira Community: the Affective Agency of an Embodied Practice
Alix Miller University of Georgia
“Is Anyone Paying Attention to the Dance?”: Incorporating Popular Dance into Cultural Studies
2C Strategy 5
Kid’s Lit in (Cyber)space
Chair: Megan Farnel, Simon Fraser University
Megan Farnel Simon Fraser University
Defense Against the (Digital) Dark Arts: Pottermore and the Rhetoric of Safety
Samantha Balzer McMaster University
The Hunger Games or: How I Learned to Stop Thinking Radically and Love Painting My Nails
2D Strategy 7
(Re)interpreting the Television Hero
Chair: Brandon Christopher, University of Winnipeg
Adrianna Hernandez-Stewart University at Buffalo
The Movement of Death and Renewal: The Carnivalesque and Big Chief Albert Lambreaux as “Authentic” Survival in Treme
Peter Melville University of Winnipeg
Another Way: Smallville’s Tess Mercer as Ethical Hero
Ian McCausland York University
Soul Crushing Work: Medicine, Belief, and the Materiality of the Body in House, M.D.
2E Upper Fallsview Studio A
Place, Identity and Music
Chair: Brent Hagerman, Wilfrid Laurier University
Patrick Manning McMaster University
“Can’t Come Back All the way”: Frontier Nostalgia in Bob Dylan’s Love and Theft
Brent Hagerman Wilfrid Laurier University
Down in the Treme: Jazz Funerals and Ritual Rebirth in the Second Line
COFFEE BREAK 3:30-3:45
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Thursday 3:45pm-5:15pm
3A Strategy 2
Politics, Performance and Celebrity
Chair: Matt Ventresca, Queen’s University
Arnaud Salvat University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Hunter S. Thompson’s Vision of American politics during the 1960s-1970s
Carolyn Veldstra McMaster University
A Polar Bear in Every Zoo: When Parody Wins the Election
Matt Ventresca Queen’s University
Don Cherry, meet Stephen Colbert: The Performance of Politics and the Politics of Performance
3B Strategy 3
Cultural Flux: Hipsters a Post-Modern Tribe
Chair: Patrick Ciaschi, McMaster University
Sara Hassani University of Ottawa
Infinite Regression: The Ironies of a Hipster’s (Self)-Reflection
Clifford H. T. Hansen University of Ottawa
What’s In a Name? That Which We Call a Hipster by Any Other Name Would Appear as Ironic
Patrick Ciaschi McMaster University
Hipstropolis as Apolitical: Engineered Imagery & the Movement of Visibility
Nicole Leaver Trent University
Traversing the Sacred: Fleshing out Hispterdom
3C Strategy 5
Mediating Women’s Bodies
Chair: Lucinda Rasmussen, University of Alberta
Jennifer Lucking Brock University
Pimp Identity in Popular Media: Devaluing Human Trafficking Through Glorifying and Normalizing the Term ‘Pimp’
Sophie Zivku Wilfrid Laurier University
U by Kotex’s “Break the Cycle”: Challenging the Norm or Bleeding into the Post-feminist Façade?
Lucinda Rasmussen University of Alberta
Sick-Chick Lit and the Ideological Breast Cancer Subject in Contemporary American Culture
Strategy 6
Internet Celebrity and New Fandom
Chair: Cheryl Williams, York University/Ryerson University
Mariel Concepcion Brock University
There is Something More to Our Agency : Harnessing the Power of Fandom and Bringing Hope to Haiti
Daniel Towers Wilfrid Laurier University
Social Media for Social Change : The YouTube Community Taking a Stance on Bullying
Cheryl Williams York University/Ryerson University
Celebrity 1.0 : The History of New Media and Celebrity
Strategy 7
Hooray for Hollywood? Approaches to Popular Cinema
Chair: Julian Hoxter, San Francisco State University
Christian Martius York University
Who Are You People and What the Hell is Going On? Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Validity Issues in Narrative Research
Zorianna Zurba Ryerson University
Learning to Love an Appearing and Disappearing Image: Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose of Cairo
Jennifer Neal Wilfrid Laurier University
Confusing the Self/Other: the Use of Motion Capture to Create Non-Human Characters in Animated Film
Upper Fallsview Studio A
The L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History Panel in Canadian Culture and History
The Polaris Music Prize and Pop Music in Canada: A Roundtable Discussion
Moderator: Scott Henderson (Brock University)
Stuart Henderson (, Polaris Jury 2008-)
Liisa Ladoceur (Rue Morgue Magazine, Polaris Headmistress 2006-2011)
Tabassum Siddiqui (Metro Magazine, Polaris Jury 2006-)
Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm
Upper Fallsview Studio A
Graduate Student Mentorship Workshop: From Presentation to Publication
w/Buffet Plus Cash Bar (All Conference Attendees will receive two complimentary drink tickets)
SANDRO PERRI (onstage 9pm-10pm)
Also featuring the Kathy G Project (onstage 7:30-8:30)
HARD ROCK CLUB (Sheraton on the Falls)
Thursday 7pm-11pm
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Friday 8:30am-10:00am
Strategy 1
Performance, Subjectivity, and the Queer Body
Chair: Sarah JM Kolberg, University at Buffalo
Sarah JM Kolberg University at Buffalo
Domestic Ethnography and Anti-authorial Authoriality in Su Friedrich’s Sink or Swim: Queer Subjectivity and the Postmodern Gesture
Craig Jennex McMaster University
“I’m Your Man”: Lucas Silveira’s Cover Song Project and Queer Autobiographical Performance
Tommy Mayberry University of Windsor
Supermodel of the World, Indeed! RuPaul’s and Drag Queens’ (Prefixed)-human Bodies
Strategy 2
Nature and the Cultural Imagination
Chair: Kait Kribs, Brock University
Ghadah Alrasheed Carleton University
A Case Study of Power, Hegemony and Discursive Struggle Around Forestry in Australia
Amy Ratelle Ryerson University/York University
“How Much are They Paying You to be My Jailer?”: Zoo Culture, Performance and Free Willy
Strategy 3
Shifting Trends in Media
Chair: Mike Mowbray, Simon Fraser University
Danielle Dolgoy Concordia University
Technology, Demographics and CBC Radio 2
Anne W. Lee and Richard A. Lee St. Bonaventure University
Is the Media Losing Control of Its Future?
Mike Mowbray Simon Fraser University
‘Up From the Underground’: The Alt-weekly Newspaper in Canada
Strategy 5
Making/Branding/Buying a Material Culture
Chair: TBA
Mark Moss Queens University
Corporate Patriotism and the Branding of Canadian National Culture
Elizabeth Kalbfleisch Canadian Museum of Civilization
Dancing Deer and Frisky Elk: Knitting and the Limits of Interculturalism
Maureen Riche York University
The Marketing of Sled Dogs and the Myth-making of Canada
Strategy 7
Theorizing Television
Chair: Andrew Atkinson, Wilfrid Laurier University
Andrew Atkinson Wilfrid Laurier University
Confusion in the figuration of the Autistic Subject: A Critique of Ẑiẑek’s construction of Autism through a reading of HBO’s Temple Grandin and The Horse Boy
Nathaniel Weiner York University
‘No More Heroes Anymore’: Top Boy, Agency and the Legacy of British Cultural Studies
Upper Fallsview A
Comics Imagining and Inventing the Past
Chair: Brandon Christopher, University of Winnipeg
Neil Shyminsky York University/University of Toronto
It’s a Good Fantasy, If You Don’t Weaken: The Representational Politics of Seth’s Canada
Douglas Clarke Brock University
Are Superheroes Really Heroes? Rethinking Folklore and the Comics Genre
Brandon Christopher University of Winnipeg
“To dignify some old costumed claptrap”: Comics and/as Shakespeare
COFFEE BREAK 10am-10:15am
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Friday 10:15am-11:45am
Strategy 1
Fan Power
Chair: Danielle M. Soulliere, University of Windsor
Andrea Ruehlicke Brock University
Why is There No Boston Robin? Gender Politics in Survivor
Danielle M. Soulliere and Stacey Riddell University of Windsor
The Art of Slash: An Exploration of Slash Fan Art in Online Spaces
Strategy 2
Bad Boys: Bikers and Bandits
Chair: James Martens, Camosun College
Chris Richardson Western University
“Good God These Guys are Killers: Disney, Hells Angels, and Foucault
James Martens Camosun College
Gimme Your Gold and Nobody Gets Hurt! The Social Construction of Canada’s ‘Gentleman Bandit’”
Strategy 3
Indigenous People and Popular Culture in Canada
Chair: David T. McNab, York University
Ute Lischke Wilfrid Laurier University
Is Indigenous Film Part of Canada’s Popular Culture?
David T. McNab York University
Understanding Indigenous Stories as Popular Culture: The Life Story of Ezhaaswe, William A. Elias (c. 1848-1929)
Strategy 5
The L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History Panel in Canadian Culture and History
History, Image and Representation
Chair: Stuart Henderson, L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History, McMaster University
Justine Moller Brock University
Canada’s Collective Conscience: The Rhetoric of the Objects, Strategies, and Spaces of the Diefenbunker
Julie Bourassa Queen’s University
Deconstructing the Canadian Myth: An Analysis of Diana Thorneycroft’s Work
Renald Fortier Canadian Aviation and Space Museum
“Flachaire a atterri trois fois”: The Image of the Aviator in Four Montréal Newspapers, March-November 1918
Andrew Holman Bridgewater State University
Reading Backwards: The War of 1812 and “Canada” in American Boys’ Serial Fiction, 1870s-1940
Strategy 7
Screened Masculinity
Chair: Christie Milliken, Brock University
Dennis Desroches St. Thomas University
“Man, everyone’s gay once in a while…”: Tropics of Masculinity in Tropic Thunder
Terrance McDonald Independent Scholar
The Fluctuation of American Masculinity in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Upper Fallsview A
Experience, Identity and Social Justice
Chair: Thierry Côté, York University
Samina Sami University of Toronto
The Volatile Screen: Mobilizing Action Through Cinematic Viewing
Thierry Côté York University
Just Noise Outside or the Ringing of Revolution: The Music of the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement
Jay Rawding University of Waterloo
Quick! Pretend We’re Multicultural: Exposing the Homogeneity Agenda in CanCon’s “Popular Music”
Friday 12:00pm-1:30pm
Great Room A
Liisa Ladouceur
“What is Goth”
In the introduction to her Encyclopedia Gothica, Liisa Ladouceur notes that if you ask a Goth person “What is goth?” they will likely answer “I’m not goth!” Ladouceur herself is more forthcoming. She will explore with black humour the origins and evolution of this much maligned and misunderstood subculture, using her original Goth Band Family Tree to trace its musical branches from 1970s punk to 21st century synthpop, and revealing how and why Goth is the underground scene that just won’t die, even if it looks that way.
Followed by PCA-Canada Annual General Meeting. All are welcome.
Friday 1:45pm-3:15pm
Strategy 1
(Re)Imagining the City
Chair: Derek Foster, Brock University
Owen Coggins Independent Scholar
Torturer Taints: Urban Human as Corrupted Animal in Skinny Puppy’s (Post)Industrial Music
Liam Young University of Western Ontario
The City in Literature: Networks, Archive, and the Architecture of Imagination
Derek Foster Brock University
Build It and The Might Come: Robocop as Postmodern Heritage
Strategy 2
Interrogating Popular Literature
Chair: Kofi Campbell, Wilfrid Laurier University
Kofi Campbell Wilfrid Laurier University
“Just a Bunch of Stoned Savages”: Western ‘Popular’ Activism and Caribbean Queers
Derek Newman-Stille Trent University
Medicalized Power and the Socially Constructed Body in Sparkle Hayter’s Naked Brunch
Merritt Moseley University of North Carolina at Asheville
The “Literary”, the “Popular”, and the “Readable” in Recent British Fiction
Strategy 3
Identity and Online Spaces
Chair: Chris Richardson, University of Western Ontario
Shannon Mack York University/Ryerson University
“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”?: Personal Ads, Sources of Data About Gender
Lee Knuttila York University
Downvoting the Ethical-Aesthetic : Reddit, Territorialization, and the Advice Animal Meme
Strategy 7
Queer Identity and Representation on TV
Chair: Wendy Peters, Nipissing University
Kelly DeBono Wilfrid Laurier University
Power and Image: Representations of Gay Men on American Network Television and the Heteronormative Fetish
Jessica Martin Western University
Confessionals and Coming Out: Portrayals of Queer Identities on MTV’s The Real World
Wendy Peters Nipissing University
Bullies, Blackmail, and Post-homophobia on 90210: Figuring the Closet in America’s Most famous Zip Code
Upper Fallsview A
Music, Genre and Authenticity
Chair: Daniel Joseph, York University/Ryerson University
Daniel Joseph York University/Ryerson University
A Passion for the Real Lana Del Rey: The Enlightenment (Indie) Artist and Object Oriented Ontology
Aaron Klassen Carleton University
Constructed Dichotomies in Popular Culture: ‘Authenticity’ in Punk and Indie
Jer Fairall Independent Scholar
No Closed Doors: the Weeknd and the Increasingly Slippery Notion of Genre
COFFEE BREAK 3:15pm-3:30pm
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Friday 3:30pm-5:00pm
Strategy 1
Generation X Goes Global: Popular Mediations on a Youth Culture in Motion
Chair: Christine Henseler, Union College
Christine Henseler Union College
Introducing Gen X Goes Global
Scott Henderson Brock University
Globalized Before Globalization: Gen X Canadians and American Culture
Virginia Newhall Rademacher Babson College
The Chick Factor: Why Spain’s Gen X Isn’t All XY
Evi Sampanikou University of the Aegean
Greek Generation X and Comics Production in Greece from 1978 to 2011
Strategy 2
The Power of Advertising
Chair: Michele Braun, Mount Royal University
Kait Kribs Brock University
For What It’s Worth: The No-so-subtle use of Countercultural Music in Advertising
Estee Fresco Western University
“Still I Rise”: Treatment of Race and Equality in Post-Scandal Nike Commercials
Rochelle Pereira University of Guelph
“Say Seagrams and Be Sure”: Images of Masculinity in Whisky Advertisements in Postwar America
Strategy 3
Piracy, Copyright and the Internet
Chair: Paul Aitken, University of Leeds
Lisa Macklem Western University
This Note’s For You- Or Is It? Copyright, Music and the Internet
Paul Aitken University of Leeds
Pirates vs. the Pirate Party: Direct Action and the Representative Politics of Online Media Piracy
Strategy 5
Crises of (Un)Conformity: Revenge, Resistance, Re-appropriation and Queer Narratives in Comics and Cartoons
Chair: Dan Vena, Queen’s University
Rhea Ashley Hoskin Queen’s University
Western Conversion and the Transmogrification of Sailor Moon
Dan Vena Queen’s University
The (Super)Man Complex: Trans Male Bodies and Superhero Ideals
Auden Cody Neuman Queen’s University
Driven Mad: Going Crazy and Getting Revenge with the Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
Strategy 7
Canadian and Quebecois Cinema: Issues of National Identity
Chair: Gael Sweeney, Syracuse University
Amy Ransom Central Michigan University
Hockey as Nationalist Marker in Quebec Film, But Which Nationalism?
Gael Sweeney Syracuse University
‘Not a Proper Breakfast’: Hockey, Homosexuality and Family Values in Breakfast with Scot
Olena Decock University of Ottawa
Filming the In-Between: Studying the Representation of Cultural Identities of Immigrant Families in Canadian and Quebec Cinema
Upper Fallsview A
Gender and Identity in Hip Hop
Chair: Marc Lafrance, Concordia University
Ola Mohammed Brock University
“We Feel that we have the Responsibility to Shine Light into the Darkness’’ : A Critical Examination of the Politics of “Blackness” in the Album Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Blackstar
Katie Mullins University of Toronto
“On Behalf of Sisterhood”: Black Female Identity and Challenges to Masculine Discourse in Rah Digga’s Dirty Harriet
Lori Burns, Alyssa Woods University of Ottawa
and Marc Lafrance Concordia University
Alternative Black Masculinities in Kanye West’s 808s and Heartbreak (2008)
Friday 5:15pm-6:45pm
Strategy 1
The Popular Significance of Arts and Culture in Niagara
Chair: Kevin Gosine, Brock University
Terrance Cox Brock University
Poet-in-Residence: Versifying Cultural Policy
Hugh Gayler Brock University
Hallelujah Chorus Flash Mob: Chorus Niagara’s Entry into Popular Culture
Stephen Remus Niagara Artists Centre
Sharing the Joke: Niagara Artists Popularize Art Through Humour
Dennis Soron Brock University
The Class Dynamics of Culture-Led Revitalization Strategies in St.Catharines-Niagara
Strategy 2
Shifting Stages: Contemporary Theatre and Popular Culture
Chair: Christine Korte, York University/Ryerson University
Corey Kwoka Texas State University
Merits of New Form in a Technological Age: The Ten Minute Play
Christopher M. Culp University at Buffalo
The ‘I Want’ Song as Critical Utopia Practice: How To Productively Fail in a Musical
Christine Korte York University/Ryerson University
Zombies, Spectres, and Dead Labour in Vinge/Müller’s Borkman
Strategy 3
Meaning and Politics in Online Amateur Remix Video
Chair: Martin Leduc, Carleton University
John Shiga McGill University
Missing Data: Datamoshing and the Micro-politics of Compression
Martin Leduc Carleton University
Remix in Action: Remix Practices as Political Strategies
Eduardo Navas University of Bergen
Remix in Cultural Analytics
Owen Gallagher National College of Art and Design, Dublin
Ideology in Critical Remix: A Visual Semiotic Analysis
Strategy 5
Comic Books and Extratextuality
Chair: Dominick Grace, Brescia University College
Grace Gipson Georgia State University
Race and Gender in Comic Books: An Analysis of the DC Comic Book Character Martha Washington
Dominick Grace Brescia University College
Going Home with Cerebus
Áine Young Queen’s University, Belfast
Seeing Voices: The Speech Balloon on Screen in Comic Book Adaptation
Strategy 7
Independent Cinemas: Mumblecore to Mumbleporn
Chair: Julian Hoxter, San Francisco State University
Jeff Parker Brock University
A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Mumblecore (2002-2007); or, Notes Towards an Emerging Independent Genre
Julian Hoxter San Francisco State University
Screenwriting Sex: the Challenge of the Explicit in the ‘Mumbleporn’ of Travis Matthews
Upper Fallsview A
Quantifying Music Experience: Lyrics, Licks and Legacies
Chair: Jordan McClain, Drexel University
Ian Milligan Western University
Digging into Music: An Interactive Textual Analysis of the Top 40 Billboard Lyrics Database
David Todd Otterbein University
Anti-Soloing: The Alternative Guitar Tradition and a Revised Virtuosity
Amanda S. McClain Holy Family University
Jordan McClain Drexel University
Music and Television: A Historical Analysis of the Relationship and it Effects on Popular Culture
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Saturday 9:00am-10:30am
Strategy 1
Identification Through and In Video Games
Chair: David Owen, York University
David Owen York University
Creating IP Hyperreality Through Multiplicitous Virtual Presence
Jeffrey Douglas McMaster University
How Children Play at Slaughtering: Gaming and the Death Drive in the Digital Age
Strategy 3
Carnival and the Carnivalesque
Chair: Christopher Innes, York University/Copenhagen University
Kyle Mackie University of Guelph
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun: A Contemporary, Urban, Site-Specific, Zombie Carnival
Katie Lavers Edith Cowan University
The Political Body in Contemporary Circus: Embodied Protest in the Work of Philippe Petit, Criss Angel and Phillippe Ménard
Christopher Innes York University/Copenhagen University
Clowns, the Circus and Avant-Garde Theatre
Strategy 5
The L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History Panel in Canadian Culture and History
Gender & Domestic Culture in Early 20th Century Canada
Chair: Stuart Henderson, L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History, McMaster University
Madelaine Morrison Carleton University
Harmony in the Home: Gender and Domestic Musical Activity in Southwestern Ontario, 1880-1920
Katja Lee McMaster University
Everywoman’s World and the Production of Domesticity for Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Autobiography
Peter Duerr York University
The Lost Archive: Everywoman’s World, “Canada’s Greatest Magazine”
Strategy 7
Reeling Through the Past:Film Histories
Chair: Michael Meneghetti, Brock University
Jessica Whitehead Ryerson University/York University
Who Will Be Ruth?: The Historical Process of Fandom as a Participatory Practice
Justin J. Morris University of Toronto
“Go To-day, To-morrow, or Some Other Day This Week and See for Yourself”: Extratextual Freedom and the Silent Film Serial
Upper Fallsview A
Music, Performance, Theory
Chair: Hans Skott-Myhre, Brock University
Phil Rose York University
Mimetic Desire and Failed Interdividuation in Pink Floyd’s The Wall
Aaron Yale Heisler University of Toronto
“Hawk” Does Picasso, Dolphy Does Schoenberg: Bebop, the Modern and the Popular
Hans Skott-Myhre Brock University
and Mark Bishop York University
Art and the Vernacular of the Blues
COFFEE BREAK 10:30am-10:45am
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Saturday 10:45am-12:15pm
Strategy 1
Knowledge, Science and Belief: Popular Rhetorics
Chair: Anthony Synnott, Concordia University
Ron Denson Ithaca College
The Maya Calendar and the Gatekeepers of Academic Orthodoxy: the Puzzling Belated Campaign for “the Truth about 2012”
Anthony Synnott Concordia University
Pets, Pests, Gods and Witches: The Sociology of Cats
Jennifer Burwell Ryerson University
Figuring Matter: Popular Culture and ‘Quantum’ Get-Rich Programs
Strategy 2
Heteronormativity and Queer Assimilation
Chair: Scott Henderson, Brock University
Jocelyn Smith McMaster University
“As Long as You Love Me”: Balancing Homoeroticism and “Safe” Heterosexuality in the Homosocial World of Boy Bands
Michael Loadenthal George Mason University
Queer Assimilation and Mutant Supremacy: The X-Men as Ideological Statecraft
Jami McFarland University of Ottawa
Existing in the Closet/Coffin of Current US Assimilationist Politics: Reading the Homonormative Politics of the Sympathetic Vampire
Strategy 3
The Gothic, the Ghostly and the Paranormal: Cultural Anxiety
Chair: Laura Wiebe, McMaster University
John Sabol Independent Scholar/Ghost Excavator
The Non-Sense of Science and Reality in Paranormal TV: Creating a Haunting!
Moti Shojania University of Manitoba
“Food for Worms and Other Grave Matters”: Re-Membering the Body on Forensic TV Shows
Laura Wiebe McMaster University
‘Pseudo’ or ‘Posthuman Science: Cultural Confusion and Representations of the Paranormal
Strategy 5
Branding Contagion
Chair: Derek Foster, Brock University
Myriam Nafte McMaster University
Sex in the City? Examining the Syphilis “Outbreak” in Toronto (2000-2010)
Andrea Benoit Western University
Parasitical Propositions: Branding AIDS Awareness in an Infectious Promotional Culture
Strategy 7
Screening Female Agency
Chair: Michele Braun, Mount Royal University
Mimi Okabe Brock University
From Stilettos to Books: Redefining Female Agency and Femininity in Fujisaki Masato’s Misaki Number One
Cristina Lucia Stasia University of Alberta
Violence is the Answer: Generic Change in the Female Action Film
Upper Fallsview A
Practices and Identity in Live Music
Chair: Martin Lussier, Western University
Stephen Bennett University of Waterloo
Band Practices: Grateful Dead Ticket Sales and the Communication of Subcultural Values
Martin Lussier Western University
Cultural Organizations and the Organizational “Thickness” of the Cultural: The Case of the Montréal Live Music Sector
Saturday 1:15pm-2:45pm
Strategy 1
Open Wounds: Dissecting the Contemporary Horror Film
Chair: David Briggs, University of Alberta
Lee Baxter University of Guelph
Mimetic Repetition of Wounded Bodies in History in Eli Roth’s Hostel and Hostel II
Victoria McCollum University of Ulster
Fresh Blood: Exploring the Post 9/11 Revival of Hixploitation
Matthew J. Raimondo York University
Scan, Search…and Scream! Paranormal Activity and the Investigative Gaze
Strategy 2
Prêt a Présenter: Beauty Culture
Chair: Katja Lee, McMaster University
Aidan Moir York University
Street Style Meets High Fashion: Appropriating and Commodifying the Economic Recession in W Magazine
Shelbi Robson Brock University
Aesthetic Constructions of Brand and Class Identity in Vogue’s Fashion Advertising
Sarah Shropshire University of Guelph
The Bronzed Babes are Coming: Suntanning and Commercial Beauty Culture in Canada 1880-1939
Strategy 3
We Want Brains: Interpreting Zombies
Chair: Laura Wiebe, McMaster University
Amanda Orr Wilfrid Laurier University
Tropes of Outbreaks and Apocalypse in the Zombie Narrative: A Critical Analysis of Max Brooks’ World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide
Valérie Savard University of Alberta
Beating a Dead Human: A (n Other) Zombie Paper that Asks What Zombies Don’t Signify
Strategy 5
The Evangelical and the Popular
Chair: Ken Paradis, Wilfrid Laurier University
Michael Thorn York University/Ryerson University
Praying the Gay Away on TV: How the Christian Ex-gay Debate Opens Governmentally in Popular Film and Television
Bruce Douville Algoma University
‘Hip 2 B Holy’: The Cultural Impact of the Early 1970s Jesus Movement on North American Evangelicalism
Ken Paradis Wilfrid Laurier University
Faith and the Fantastic: Evangelical Homiletic Reading Practices and Popular Fiction
Strategy 7
Approaches to TV Speculative Fiction
Chair: Nicholas Greco, Providence University College
Karen K. Burrows University of Sussex
Bullets-and-Leather Magnus: Sanctuary’s “Monsoon” and the (Post?) Feminist Action Hero?
Sandra Yao McMaster University
Flesh and Steel: The Posthuman Human Within Battlestar Galactica and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Nicholas Greco Providence University College
“Listen to That. That’s Our Angels”: Toward a Christian Theology of Desire Through the Lens of Whedon’s Work
Upper Fallsview A
Popular Pedagogy
Chair: Renee Sgroi, Centennial College
Yvonne Völkl University of Graz
The Beat of Culture: Teaching Québécois Culture Through Music
Renee Sgroi Centennial College
Teaching Popular Culture in the Contact Zone
COFFEE BREAK 2:45pm-3:00pm
Pre Function Space 5th Floor
Saturday 3:00pm-4:30pm
Strategy 1
Cinema Edge: Exploring the Cult and Exploitation Film
Chair: David Briggs, University of Alberta
Shelley O’Brien Sheffield Hallam University
Nursery Crimes: Making a Case for The Baby
Elisabetta Di Minico Universitat de Barcelona
Horror and the Dystopia
Maude Michaud Concordia University
Horror Grrrls: Resistance and Agency Within the Interpretive Community of Women Horror Filmmakers
Strategy 2
Theoretical Approaches to Popular Culture
Chair: Sherryl Vint, Brock University
Armand Khambatta Brock University
“Between Enthusiasm and Irony”: Hipsterdom’s Decay and the Metamodern Shift from Parataxis to Metaxis
Adam Kingsmith McMaster University
All That Jazz: A Postcolonial Subaltern Critique of Classical Feminisation
Nathan Rambukkana York University
Chasing the Zizekian Moment: Towards a Formal Methodology for Theorizing Popular Culture Artifacts
Strategy 3
Constructing and Consuming Motherhood
Chair: Kim de Laat, University of Toronto
Beth Pentney Simon Fraser University
‘We’re Still Blaming Mothers’: Postfeminist Mother Blame in We Need to Talk About Kevin and American Horror Story
May Friedman Ryerson University
Babies Having Babies: Discourses of Morality in MTV’s Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant
Alana Prochuk McMaster University
Fat Kids and Mother Blame: The Exclusions of Phallic Citizenship
Kim de Laat & Shyon Baumann University of Toronto
Consuming Motherhood, Mothers Consuming: Portrayals of Motherhood and Food Products in Canadian Television Advertising
Strategy 5
Online Performance: The Internet and the Self
Chair: Paul Aitken, University of Leeds
Kimberley McLeod York University
From Online Provocation to Digital Archive : Eva and Franco Mattes’ No Fun and discosean21’s ‘Racist Tests’
Julia Obermayr University of Graz
Sapphic Screening: Lesbian Characters in Canadian Web Series
Roger Saul Brock University
The Youtube Selves of Mememolly
Strategy 7
Politics, Memory and Identity on Screen
Chair: Matthew Flisfeder, Ryerson University
Tanja Aho SUNY Buffalo/University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Trailer Park Boys vs. “Trailer Court Women”: Gender and Sexuality in Representations of White Poverty
Tyson Stewart Western University
Roots Redux: On Family Genealogy Programs and the Slave Sublime
Matthew Flisfeder Ryerson University
Cinéma Féminine: Y Tu Mama También as a Political Film
Upper Fallsview A
Food in Popular Culture
Chair: Katja Lee, McMaster University
Shu-Fen Chen National Taitung University
The Amnesia of Hungry Daughters’ Identity- Food and Sacrifice in The Butcher’s Wife
Jean Levasseur Bishop’s University
De la nature culturelle des aliments: de la littérature à la langue
Jonathon Iverson University of Toronto
Fashioned Food Fame: The Rise of the Celebrity Chef in the Seventeenth Century and Today